Mr. Suri, VU2MY, the 2012 Dayton Hamvention Amateur of the Year, w
as given a tour of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) radio shack/club house and DARA’s W8RTL D-STAR repeater at Channel 16 tower site by Charles Kaiser KD8JZR and Joe Brassard KA8C on May 31, 2012. He was very impressed with both sites and amazed at the amount of property our club house sat on, comparing it to available land in his home country of India. Two items got his attention while visiting the club house on Bellefontaine Road. One was the Andrews Heliax hardline which he had not previously seen or heard of. A short piece was available in the classroom for him to look at and it was explained the benefit of using hardline in reducing line loss for the VHF/UHF frequencies and above. The second item was the Certificate of Affiliation of DARA to the American Radio Relay League, Inc. signed by Hiram Percy Maxim April 9, 1929. In India, Mr. Sury is considered to be the equivalent of Hiram Percy Maxim. He went on to thank DARA and the Dayton Hamvention for bestowing upon him the “Greatest Honor in Amateur Radio.”
Joe – KA8C