So far, We only have about a third of the number of volunteers needed to support the Market to Market Relay on Saturday Sept 9.
This is a relay race starting in Cincinnati and finishing at Riverscape Park in downtown Dayton. We station hams at the relay exchange locations along the route and report progress and problems. There are 10 locations for which we support the coverage. The first location for us is #10 on the course at Corwin (near Waynesville) and this location will need to be covered from 9:30 Am to 2:00 PM and the last location is the finish at Riverscape Pavillion which needs to be covered from 3:00 PM to 8:15 PM. There are 8 other locations in between with varying start times, but requiring about 5 hours of duty. I also need a couple of volunteers to help with net control. If we get enough volunteers, we can split this into shifts. Otherwise we need NCS ops from 9 AM to 8 PM.
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