Oct 15, 2019 | 2019, General Membership, Year
The monthly membership meeting at the Kettering Rec will be starting one half hour earlier at 7PM. The guest speaker is Carole Perry WB2GMP. Her work with youth groups has been nothing short of phenomenal. This is likely to be one of the best programs DARA has...
Aug 1, 2019 | 2019, The RF Carrier, Year
Here is the August 2019 RF Carrier /{pdf}http://www.w8bi.org/images/RFCarrier/2019/RFCAug2019.pdf|height:600|width:500|app:adobe{/pdf}
Jan 20, 2019 | 2019, The RF Carrier, Year
Here is the February 2019 RF Carrier /{pdf}http://www.w8bi.org/images/RFCarrier/2019/RFCFeb2019.pdf|height:600|width:500|app:adobe{/pdf}
Jan 20, 2019 | 2019, The RF Carrier, Year
Here is the April 2019 RF Carrier /{pdf}http://www.w8bi.org/images/RFCarrier/2019/RFCApr2019.pdf|height:600|width:500|app:adobe{/pdf}
Jan 20, 2019 | 2019, The RF Carrier, Year
Here is the March 2019 RF Carrier /{pdf}http://www.w8bi.org/images/RFCarrier/2019/RFCMar2019.pdf|height:600|width:500|app:adobe{/pdf}
Apr 27, 2018 | 2019, The RF Carrier, Year
Here is the November / December 2019 RF Carrier /{pdf}http://www.w8bi.org/images/RFCarrier/2019/RFCNovDec2019.pdf|height:600|width:500|app:adobe{/pdf}