I understand what you have stated about the staying at home situations, that has us all searching for things to do on the Ham Bands, i.e. 2M, 220 Mhz, and UHF, for good conversations and things as operators to do.
What I would recommend to you, and the rest of us Hammers, is to rekindle our present repeaters, that we DARA have on hand now, but are not using.
We DARA, have repeaters on each band, that we need to use, instead of taking someone’s repeater pair, that they too are trying to keep alive.
I use 146.34/.94, 428.00 MHz for our Wednesday night, 8pm Amateur Television (ATV) Folks.
We also have 223.940 MHz, and 443.100 MHz repeaters that need to have a fire placed into those of our resources. The 146.34/.94 MHz Repeater, before cell phones flooded the market, and into our hobby, was busy, both night, and day.
I would like for you, and anyone else, myself included, to stir the members at every chance you can get, and to get our guys, and gals going here on our repeaters.
I would like a ’cause, and an inspiring talking group’, to place a ‘FIRE IN OUR BONNETS’….
What say to that my friend(s)?
Best Regards,
and 73,
Reuben Meeks,
DARA Member