
We could use you help for those with a license and HT or mobile, at the annual Resolution Run at Beavercreek High school on December 31, 2012 at approximately 6:30 PM.  Please come and enjoy finger foods prior to the race and then stay to help light the course with you vehicle headlights and provide emergency communications.

Also  Please pass to all current and prospective Amateur Radio Operators.

This is just an reminder that tentatively December 31, 2012 at approximately 5:30 PM the DARA VE team will  host a Laurel Amateur Radio testing session prior to the annual Resolution Run at Beavercreek High School.

If you are upgrading please bring the original and a copy of your license.  If
you are getting your first license please go to the FCC web site and obtain a
FRN.  It is self explanatory and does not cost a thing.  The web site is:

We do not charge for testing.  Also,  please bring a picture ID, pen and
pencils.  If you need a calculator please bring a simple variant; nothing that
can be programmed.  Also, if  you need any special requirements like large print
or other special  needs please David Crawford at