Joe Eisenberg Returns In February

Joe Eisenberg K0NEB will return to the DARA meeting on February 5th for an update on kit building. Most of us know Joe as the infamous Cat in the Hat Man at Hamvention. His musically orientated slide shows of past Hamventions are equally famous. Joe is also a regular columnist in CQ magazine.

He’ll be discussing what’s hot and what’s not. Who’s still in the kit business and where to get the latest exciting kits for hams and non-hams. Ever cringed on the thought of winding toroids? Joe’s got tips on how to do it the right way. And how about those Surface Mount Devices, you know… those itty bitty chips that takes a 200 power microscope to see and an eensy teensy tipped iron? Joe has tips on how to successfully implement and solder those in your projects as well. So come on out and get the latest info from Joe. Who knows, his tips might just help you net a winning entry in next month’s Home Brew Night.

73 de Sam N8VES – Vice President