November Meeting Starts Early

The monthly membership meeting at the Kettering Rec will be starting one half hour earlier at 7PM. The guest speaker is Carole Perry WB2GMP. Her work with youth groups has been nothing short of phenomenal. This is likely to be one of the best programs DARA has...

This Week’s Happenings….

A reminder… The monthly general membership meeting is this Friday October 5th at 7:30 Pm at the Kettering Rec Center 3900 Glengarry Drive. This month’s guest speaker is Tom Holmes N8ZM who will talk about the Thursday Night Group. This group meets…...

April 2018 meeting

April Membership Meeting April 6, 2018 The Great DARA Auction Is On Again. That’s right.  The Jack Sargent K8BSA Memorial DARA Auction is on April 6th at the Kettering Rec Center. If you have a maxiwidget to get rid of, come to the auction.  Do you need a maxiwidget? ...

February 2018 meeting

February Membership Meeting Feb 02 How Can I Participate in the World Radio Team Championship? That question, and more I’m sure, will be answered by Tim Duffy, K3LR. Tim is a member of one of the competing teams and has been involved with WRTC for many years. Tim has...

January 2018 meeting

January Membership Meeting Jan 05 Lightning Anyone? This month our own Jim Bacher, WB8VSU, is going to tell us about grounding and lightning protection. Jim is a Senior Engineer. He holds an Extra class ham ticket and a General Radiotelephone Operators License with...

November 2012 Meeting

The Speaker for November 2, 2012 DARA Meeting at the Kettering Recreation Center is Mark Spencer. The subject is: “Exploring Our World through Remote Sensing and Ham Radio”, By Mark Spencer, WA8SME, ARRL Education and Technology Program Director Remote sensing,...